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ID:EP Which ExPANDED Memory card is best?
Q: Which ExPANDed Memory card should I buy?
The type of ExPANDed memory card recommended for use with
DESQview depends on the motherboard configuration of your
computer. The ability to disable motherboard memory, and the
amount of memory that can be disabled are determining factors.
This discussion assumes that the motherboard memory can be
disabled to a minimum of 256K. If your computer's motherboard
memory can't be disabled below 512K then skip to the Other
Choices section.
Can the board MAP MEMORY BELOW 1 megabyte ?
In all cases the memory card should be able to MAP MEMORY
BELOW 1 Megabyte. As an example the Intel Above Board can MAP 64K
(4 16K pages) below 1 Megabyte BUT NOT BELOW 640K. This board's
HARDWARE supports EMS 3.2 memory (Adding a EMS 4.0 driver won't
allow it to MAP MEMORY BELOW 640K. This requires HARDWARE as well
as the software driver). The Above Board PLUS CAN MAP MEMORY as
low as 256K (if you have a switchless Above Board you may be able
to upgrade the board to the "plus" version).
Can the board MAP MEMORY BELOW 640K ?
BELOW 640K (The AST RAMpage, PC Technology's RAMpartner, and
Electronik RAMflex to mention a few can MAP MEMORY down to 0K....
provided your motherboard memory can be totally disabled).
This should not be confused with backfilling motherboard memory.
Backfilling motherboard memory simply fills your DOS program
memory area back up to 640K. The ability to MAP MEMORY to the
area between 0 and 640K is MANDATORY for MULTITASKING of several
large programs.
ExPANDed memory is allocated in 16K blocks called pages.
When DESQview opens applications it instructs the memory manager
to allocate enough of these pages (which may not be CONTIGUOUS) and
MAKE them APPEAR CONTIGUOUS and map them below 640K. When you
switch between applications the memory manager has to sort thru
all these 16K pages....find the correct ones....and map them into
the area below 640K. This can take a long time to do for a large
memory area. This may not be apparent to you UNLESS you're running
communications in the background. If the memory card supports
alternate page maps, DESQview can instruct the memory driver to
save these pages to an alternate page map register (again this is
HARDWARE, and a software driver). When you switch windows DESQview
instructs the memory driver to call the page MAP rather than sort
thru all the expanded memory. This is very important if you need
to run high speed communications in background, or will have
several large applications running simultaneously. Larger numbers
of alternate page mapping registers on the board result in better
multitasking performance when running several programs at once.
The Intel Above Plus doesn't have any alternate page mapping
registers. The AST RAMpage Plus has 23 alternate page mapping
registers, the Electronik RAMflex has 63. The older EEMS cards
have 1 alternate page mapping registers. In any case this is an
important HARDWARE feature for serious multitasking.
Where can I find out about ExPANDed memory cards ?
Obtain a copy of InfoWorld's December 12,1988 issue or PC
Magazine Volume 8, # 21 December 12, 1989 issue (page 169). Both
articles give a very detailed comparrison of ExPANDed memory
boards.. Most of the exPANDed memory card manufacturer's boards
are listed.
Other Choices
If you have an 80286 based computer but cannot disable
motherboard memory there are two options available. The first is
the ALL Computers CHARGECARD. While this device doesn't have
memory on it, in fact it has the ability to convert ALL the
conventional and exTENDed memory on an 80286 based machine into
ExPANDed memory and has 15 alternate page mapping registers.
The second option is to convert the computer to an 80386.
(Is a 386 better ?)
YES !!!!!! An 80386 is not only faster than the 8088 and
80286 based computers (speed is only one of it's many virtues).
It is incredibly more intelligent ! It has the capability to run
in Virtual 8086 mode. Used in conjunction with QEMM 386, no
special memory cards are required, and no motherboard memory
needs to be disabled. The 80386 can allow QEMM to remap all the
ExTENDed memory into ExPANDED memory. DESQview 386 (DESQview 2.2
& QEMM 4.2) can run bit mapped graphics programs like Ventura
In addition DOS Extended programs that use the VCPI (Virtual
Control Program Interface) can co-exist with other programs that
use exPanded memory (Lotus Release 3 is an example). Memory
protection is available for "Ill behaved programs. These
capabilities are not available on 8088 or 80286 computer. If
you're considering this option and have the means (money) don't
hesitate for a second.
Copyright (C) 1990 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
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